Dear Mr. Ryan Ross-
Let it be known I'm not a hater. I'm simply not a fan (anymore).
The reason? Mainly because you started doing drugs and you continue to think this is a good idea. The main reason I'm against your drug use is because of how you think you are the Beatles, all four wrapped in one, and your songwriting abilities have disappeared. Also, a) it will kill your liver and b) I have no respect for people who do drugs routinely. Because of this moral issue of mine, I have no respect for a number of people, including family members.
Now, about my dislike of you. You like to think you are the Beatles, all four of them all in one handy-dandy package. But to be honest, you thinking this has made you less of the fantastic person you were. You seem more confident of yourself, which has, in all honesty, taken away from your excellent song-writing abilities. The reason everyone LOVES A Fever You Can't Sweat Out? It's real. It's truthful. It's an escape for lots of people, including the old you, and you know this. I hate to talk for people I don't know personally, but it's true.
There is a legitimate reason there was a shift in the fans after you released Pretty. Odd. and it's because the album, after your first, was pretty fucking odd. A Fever- emo kids and people who appreciated good music. Pretty. Odd.- potheads and wannabe indie kids. See any correlation with your actions from album to album? Exactly. There was too much change over too short a period of time. The only reason the Beatles could rock that kind of change from what they started with to what they ended with was because of a changing time period- the only change going on in this time period is the twitter updates and who the new celebrity of the week is.
So Mr. Ross, I'm sorry to say that you were born in the wrong decade. Sorry.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This is an emo post.
So there's a couple things that have impeded me from posting ANYTHING over the past two weeks- homework, my addiction to spider solitaire and The Office, and my loneliness. And yes, in case you were wondering, this IS a bitchy journal! Welcome to freshie year.
Obviously I have like a million hours of homework a night, and then I'm spending my nights not being able to sleep for my fear of serial killers/my not-so severe anxiety issues. I mean, the other day in Latin I had a panic attack. I'm pretty fucked up.
I also have developed an addiction to spider solitaire. What the hell, my life is going to shit.
Plus I'm pretty lonely- my parents are both working long hours, my sister is a hu-uge fucking bitch (getting to that), my 2 brothers are all tied up with their jobs (and one of my brothers with his wife and step-son :] ). Plus, it's not like any of my friends from elementary school give two shits about me, and my friends from my high school are in the same situation as me- all fucking tied up with school. Except two of my friends have boyfriends, go figure.
And so far, I've told 3 people from my school the kid I like at my school. They're all like BUT HE'S SHORT and I'm like BUT HE'S ADORABLE AND NICE AND WE HATE THE SAME ASSHOLES and they're like BUT HE'S SHORT. Maybe I just hang out with tall people? I don't know, but either way I know that he's just not that into me. We have like 6 classes together, including lunch, so he just isn't that into me, I guess. Although I must admit I am becoming a flirt. It's freaking ME out.
But back to my family- my sister is a huge fucking bitch and my mother is the root of all my problems.
My sister: So, last Friday, she was with my mom out shopping, and my mom was like OMGSH I TOLD RITA I WOULD PICK HER UP AFTER SCHOOL and my sister is with her and she seriously says "Does she really have to come along?" At least, this is what my mother tells me. And then when we're at Trader Joe's and stuff she's being a huge bitch to me, just yelling at me, commanding me, and acting like I'm a do-nothing who just complains about everything, when it's actually the other way around. I'm being nice and trying to be civil to her and trying to be the bigger person but no. Of fucking course not. All she does the whole time is complain about how hungry she is, and then when we do stop to eat, she won't eat it because she's a fucking self-centered bitch who can't get over problems without griping and bitching for a month. It's like she's on permanent PMS or some shit like that. Get the fuck over your ex, he was a self centered asshole NOT UNLIKE YOURSELF.
My mom: I have finally come to the realization that my mother is the root of every problem in my life. Low self-esteem? Her telling me I was fat when I was 9. Her telling me that my teeth look like shit. Her telling me that my hair looks bad. Her telling me that my face should be cleaner. My attitude towards everything? Her cynicism. Her constant negative review of the world around her. Her cursing. Her yelling. Her screaming. Her constant fucking sob story about everything. All my attitudes about everything, all my negative feelings, all my self-hatred has come from her. The reason I don't accept who I am? Her. The reason I don't legitimately like who I am? Her. Her, her, her.
And to think all this realization has come from reading a book. Huh.
But I just got the entire Lonely Island album, Incredibad. I must say, it's changed my life for the better.
Obviously I have like a million hours of homework a night, and then I'm spending my nights not being able to sleep for my fear of serial killers/my not-so severe anxiety issues. I mean, the other day in Latin I had a panic attack. I'm pretty fucked up.
I also have developed an addiction to spider solitaire. What the hell, my life is going to shit.
Plus I'm pretty lonely- my parents are both working long hours, my sister is a hu-uge fucking bitch (getting to that), my 2 brothers are all tied up with their jobs (and one of my brothers with his wife and step-son :] ). Plus, it's not like any of my friends from elementary school give two shits about me, and my friends from my high school are in the same situation as me- all fucking tied up with school. Except two of my friends have boyfriends, go figure.
And so far, I've told 3 people from my school the kid I like at my school. They're all like BUT HE'S SHORT and I'm like BUT HE'S ADORABLE AND NICE AND WE HATE THE SAME ASSHOLES and they're like BUT HE'S SHORT. Maybe I just hang out with tall people? I don't know, but either way I know that he's just not that into me. We have like 6 classes together, including lunch, so he just isn't that into me, I guess. Although I must admit I am becoming a flirt. It's freaking ME out.
But back to my family- my sister is a huge fucking bitch and my mother is the root of all my problems.
My sister: So, last Friday, she was with my mom out shopping, and my mom was like OMGSH I TOLD RITA I WOULD PICK HER UP AFTER SCHOOL and my sister is with her and she seriously says "Does she really have to come along?" At least, this is what my mother tells me. And then when we're at Trader Joe's and stuff she's being a huge bitch to me, just yelling at me, commanding me, and acting like I'm a do-nothing who just complains about everything, when it's actually the other way around. I'm being nice and trying to be civil to her and trying to be the bigger person but no. Of fucking course not. All she does the whole time is complain about how hungry she is, and then when we do stop to eat, she won't eat it because she's a fucking self-centered bitch who can't get over problems without griping and bitching for a month. It's like she's on permanent PMS or some shit like that. Get the fuck over your ex, he was a self centered asshole NOT UNLIKE YOURSELF.
My mom: I have finally come to the realization that my mother is the root of every problem in my life. Low self-esteem? Her telling me I was fat when I was 9. Her telling me that my teeth look like shit. Her telling me that my hair looks bad. Her telling me that my face should be cleaner. My attitude towards everything? Her cynicism. Her constant negative review of the world around her. Her cursing. Her yelling. Her screaming. Her constant fucking sob story about everything. All my attitudes about everything, all my negative feelings, all my self-hatred has come from her. The reason I don't accept who I am? Her. The reason I don't legitimately like who I am? Her. Her, her, her.
And to think all this realization has come from reading a book. Huh.
But I just got the entire Lonely Island album, Incredibad. I must say, it's changed my life for the better.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A Few Things
So I'm gonna go on a kinda long rant so you can skip over this journal entry.
(But really what the hell. I am turning in to such a poser.)
First of all, the people at Sprint are crackheads who don't know what the fuck is wrong with my phone- I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY PHONE, It clearly is NOT the battery, you guys just gave me a fucking new one. So why do I need another new battery? The same thing keeps happening! My first Rumor was better than this one. That one only turned itself off- this one doesn't fucking charge.
Second, my mother is really pissing me off with all her nagging. I honestly don't get it. I'm fucking stressed because of COURSE I go to the best/most aggravating/most stressful school in the entire fucking state when I could have gone to a good (albeit not as good) school. Not only that, but I swear to god she's the reason my sister was/is a fucking anorexic. All my mother cares about is looks and what people think of you/her/us. Also, I think I know how to take care of myself as a vegetarian. I don't need your "helpful hints" that involve eating eggplant or mushrooms at all.
Don't get me wrong, I understand she's concerned. But really? Really?
Third, I'm getting a D in Latin.
Fourth, my algebra teacher hates me
Fifth, facebook makes me feel unpopular.
Sixth, I want someone to like me. I feel so awkward.
Seventh, my dad claims I have to "manage my time better". Admittedly, this is probably true, but in all honesty, I don't give a fuck.
Eighth, Health class just got REALLY awkward. And I find it interesting that when the dude said "menstrual periods" all the guys started giggling.
Ninth, all the nerdy Asian guys from my school had me in an incredibly awkward conversation yesterday that involved male genitalia.
Tenth, I've come to realize I cannot sing.
Eleventh, my mother claims the "Gabe Saporta Slept Here" tee is inappropriate. That's the point.
(But really what the hell. I am turning in to such a poser.)
First of all, the people at Sprint are crackheads who don't know what the fuck is wrong with my phone- I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY PHONE, It clearly is NOT the battery, you guys just gave me a fucking new one. So why do I need another new battery? The same thing keeps happening! My first Rumor was better than this one. That one only turned itself off- this one doesn't fucking charge.
Second, my mother is really pissing me off with all her nagging. I honestly don't get it. I'm fucking stressed because of COURSE I go to the best/most aggravating/most stressful school in the entire fucking state when I could have gone to a good (albeit not as good) school. Not only that, but I swear to god she's the reason my sister was/is a fucking anorexic. All my mother cares about is looks and what people think of you/her/us. Also, I think I know how to take care of myself as a vegetarian. I don't need your "helpful hints" that involve eating eggplant or mushrooms at all.
Don't get me wrong, I understand she's concerned. But really? Really?
Third, I'm getting a D in Latin.
Fourth, my algebra teacher hates me
Fifth, facebook makes me feel unpopular.
Sixth, I want someone to like me. I feel so awkward.
Seventh, my dad claims I have to "manage my time better". Admittedly, this is probably true, but in all honesty, I don't give a fuck.
Eighth, Health class just got REALLY awkward. And I find it interesting that when the dude said "menstrual periods" all the guys started giggling.
Ninth, all the nerdy Asian guys from my school had me in an incredibly awkward conversation yesterday that involved male genitalia.
Tenth, I've come to realize I cannot sing.
Eleventh, my mother claims the "Gabe Saporta Slept Here" tee is inappropriate. That's the point.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Let's hear it for America's suitehearts
I'm never leaving this blog.
Unless I forget the password.
Which is impossible, it's my email. :tehe:
The point is that I finally became the emo I was destined to be- I got a livejournal.
Unless I forget the password.
Which is impossible, it's my email. :tehe:
The point is that I finally became the emo I was destined to be- I got a livejournal.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I love moderating FMLs.
"Today, I offered that I put the condom on my boyfriend. Trying to be sexy, I did it with my teeth. It got caught on my braces and I had to go to the orthodontist with a condom hanging out of my mouth. FML"
Sunday, August 30, 2009
deviantArt is really pissing me off
and it's because some of my favorite pictures were for some reason in the scrapbook rather than in the gallery.
links to which can be found here:
oldest are first. (: thanks for your time.
links to which can be found here:
oldest are first. (: thanks for your time.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
If you don't like what I say, go put it in your blog I promise no one really gives a fuck.
I've decided to stop bitching and do something about my life, looks, and attitude.
Life: I'm gonna stop feeling sorry for myself and being such a hermit, which leads into
Looks: I've decided I'm going to exercise every day. A rotation of biking, walking, and rollerblading. I plan on losing at the very least 15 pounds. Hopefully, I'll end up losing more like 30. And I've also decided to do something about my hair. It's a rat's nest, honestly. It's all knotted in the back and I want it to look nice for freshman year. And I also need to find out a way to keep my face from sweating so that I won't get so many white heads. D: Which admittedly is gonna be hard, but if I get my hair figured out, if I keep my hair off my forehead I won't sweat so much.
Attitude: I've decided to not repel guys. I know if I was just a little less bitchy guys would probably like me better. Aside from the fact if I lost some weight they would probably like me better too.
All this springs from the camping trip I took with my school last week. I couldn't do the rock wall, and I couldn't figure out why. I've been able to do rock walls in the past and I've had no trouble, but when I was doing it last week I was having a hard time. Admittedly, my Converse have no grips on them, and all the rocks were wet. I was nervous because there were two guys in my class and a senior watching me, and who wouldn't be nervous with a group like that around?
So all in all, I've decided to stop being a hermit, lose 15-30 pounds, and be less of a bitch when it isn't time for it. XD
Life: I'm gonna stop feeling sorry for myself and being such a hermit, which leads into
Looks: I've decided I'm going to exercise every day. A rotation of biking, walking, and rollerblading. I plan on losing at the very least 15 pounds. Hopefully, I'll end up losing more like 30. And I've also decided to do something about my hair. It's a rat's nest, honestly. It's all knotted in the back and I want it to look nice for freshman year. And I also need to find out a way to keep my face from sweating so that I won't get so many white heads. D: Which admittedly is gonna be hard, but if I get my hair figured out, if I keep my hair off my forehead I won't sweat so much.
Attitude: I've decided to not repel guys. I know if I was just a little less bitchy guys would probably like me better. Aside from the fact if I lost some weight they would probably like me better too.
All this springs from the camping trip I took with my school last week. I couldn't do the rock wall, and I couldn't figure out why. I've been able to do rock walls in the past and I've had no trouble, but when I was doing it last week I was having a hard time. Admittedly, my Converse have no grips on them, and all the rocks were wet. I was nervous because there were two guys in my class and a senior watching me, and who wouldn't be nervous with a group like that around?
So all in all, I've decided to stop being a hermit, lose 15-30 pounds, and be less of a bitch when it isn't time for it. XD
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sing us a song of the century
My weekend plans were screwed. And I hated my relatives.
Then we made lemonade. :D
So, first of all, the relatives part is short and sour- I took pictures at my brother's wedding (eeee) that only immediate family was invited to. My aunt wanted to see the pictures, so I put them on her computer. I also told her that I would put them up, so I had his okay to put them up.
Guess what she did?
She put up MY pictures of a wedding she wasn't even at.
I was really pissed and whatever and I wrote on her facebook wall. Hopefully she'll have some common sense.
Second: my weekend plans.
This weekend I was supposed to be going up to Irish Fest in Milwaukee to hang out and such~ And as we were on the way up there, we knew something had gone wrong with the car because the A/C stopped working and the car smelled like no OTHER. So we pulled off the highway and my dad looked under the hood, assessed the damage, and found out we had broken one of the belts.
We drove around Skokie trying to find a mechanic which on a Saturday is more difficult than you'd think until we found a Pep Boys. Hahahah thank god they were open til 9 PM.
So we dropped off the car and decided to walk over to the movie theater across the street and see a movie.
What resulted was the most adorable movie since Wall-E. Maybe even cuter.
Ponyo. UGH SO CUTE. Is very very cute. GO SEE IT. IT'S GOT TINA FEY IN IT.
Ahahaha that's all for now.
Next time, maybe?
My weekend plans were screwed. And I hated my relatives.
Then we made lemonade. :D
So, first of all, the relatives part is short and sour- I took pictures at my brother's wedding (eeee) that only immediate family was invited to. My aunt wanted to see the pictures, so I put them on her computer. I also told her that I would put them up, so I had his okay to put them up.
Guess what she did?
She put up MY pictures of a wedding she wasn't even at.
I was really pissed and whatever and I wrote on her facebook wall. Hopefully she'll have some common sense.
Second: my weekend plans.
This weekend I was supposed to be going up to Irish Fest in Milwaukee to hang out and such~ And as we were on the way up there, we knew something had gone wrong with the car because the A/C stopped working and the car smelled like no OTHER. So we pulled off the highway and my dad looked under the hood, assessed the damage, and found out we had broken one of the belts.
We drove around Skokie trying to find a mechanic which on a Saturday is more difficult than you'd think until we found a Pep Boys. Hahahah thank god they were open til 9 PM.
So we dropped off the car and decided to walk over to the movie theater across the street and see a movie.
What resulted was the most adorable movie since Wall-E. Maybe even cuter.
Ponyo. UGH SO CUTE. Is very very cute. GO SEE IT. IT'S GOT TINA FEY IN IT.
Ahahaha that's all for now.
Next time, maybe?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Today was my cousin's reception-thing. She got married last November in Japan, and since all of her relatives are too poor to go the wedding in Japan, she had her "wedding reception" here in Chicago~ So all the crazy Japanese relatives (who I guess are my relatives now) were here. bahahaha I love them.
ANYWAY, the point of this post was to tell you the creepy things that happened to me today and yesterday!
Yesterday, I was working for my aunt for this party she was having. So a bunch of my relatives and Japanese relatives and her blood relatives (she's my aunt by law.) So all her family from Missouri and Texas were here and so we were meeting them and whatever. As we were inside giving ourselves minor panic attacks because of my crazy aunt, all her cute nephews walked in (and they're so tall too! like, ZOMFG.) And so after we were done and I was waiting for the parental unit to give me a lift home, I was reading and listening to 21CBD (<33) and one of the cute Texas relatives walks in! i r pleased. So we chatted for a bit~ He asked me what book I was reading and I told him and he was asked me what I was listening to and told him. and had a fangirl right there. you know you love me.
SO THEN TODAY, when I was at the wedding, one of the other cousins was like, checkin' me out the whole time! Prolly because I didn't look like a bum like yesterday. XD
ANYWAY, the point of this post was to tell you the creepy things that happened to me today and yesterday!
Yesterday, I was working for my aunt for this party she was having. So a bunch of my relatives and Japanese relatives and her blood relatives (she's my aunt by law.) So all her family from Missouri and Texas were here and so we were meeting them and whatever. As we were inside giving ourselves minor panic attacks because of my crazy aunt, all her cute nephews walked in (and they're so tall too! like, ZOMFG.) And so after we were done and I was waiting for the parental unit to give me a lift home, I was reading and listening to 21CBD (<33) and one of the cute Texas relatives walks in! i r pleased. So we chatted for a bit~ He asked me what book I was reading and I told him and he was asked me what I was listening to and told him. and had a fangirl right there. you know you love me.
SO THEN TODAY, when I was at the wedding, one of the other cousins was like, checkin' me out the whole time! Prolly because I didn't look like a bum like yesterday. XD
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Speak now or forever hold your peace in pieces.
I'm really confused.
I don't know what to do.
I don't wanna do anything lately except hang out with my friends.
But who am I to say whether or not they're friends?
I never know who does or does not like me because people are so fake. Why should I bother trying to find out if they're not willing to put in the effort of being a friend?
I mean, most of the people who follow me on twitter aren't friends. I wouldn't even consider most of my friends on Facebook friends of mine, tbh.
I just like attention I guess. I like having people pay attention to me.
Which is why I think I might delete my twitter. >.< and my facebook.
i don't know. I just want people to act like friends rather than use a networking site to say it.
And the thing that kills me about my twitter is the fact that I follow people I consider friends, but they don't follow me back. It makes me feel like someone who just latches on the groups of actual friends and tries to impress them.
I always feel like this. I hate it.
I don't know what to do.
I don't wanna do anything lately except hang out with my friends.
But who am I to say whether or not they're friends?
I never know who does or does not like me because people are so fake. Why should I bother trying to find out if they're not willing to put in the effort of being a friend?
I mean, most of the people who follow me on twitter aren't friends. I wouldn't even consider most of my friends on Facebook friends of mine, tbh.
I just like attention I guess. I like having people pay attention to me.
Which is why I think I might delete my twitter. >.< and my facebook.
i don't know. I just want people to act like friends rather than use a networking site to say it.
And the thing that kills me about my twitter is the fact that I follow people I consider friends, but they don't follow me back. It makes me feel like someone who just latches on the groups of actual friends and tries to impress them.
I always feel like this. I hate it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
This is just a post asking if anyone reads this.
Or anyone important reads this.
Comment if you do read it.
If you don't wanna comment, just send me a fbook/twitter message. AIM and MSN are good too.
I just need somewhere to vent. >.>
Or anyone important reads this.
Comment if you do read it.
If you don't wanna comment, just send me a fbook/twitter message. AIM and MSN are good too.
I just need somewhere to vent. >.>
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I thought I found someone
I have been full-on poseur mode for the past few days. Listening to old school TAI... and FOB, all Midtown. I am now dedicated to finding all the Midtown and having them on iTunes. My local record store does not have any of their albums and cannot order them for me because of the lack of them being made anymore.. They're a defunct band, why would they still have them on the shelves?
In other news, I'm going to see The Academy Is... on Friday at Six Flags Great America. I'm super excited, because what if I meet William Beckett? That would be so effin' epic. 8D Even if I don't get to meet him, it'll be my first concert this year. :O which is disturbing. I really hope I go to Warped/Blink reunion tour. Warped because, you know, it's Warped, and Blink because P!ATD (ALL HAIL THE EXCLAMATION POINT) and FOB are gonna be there.
I've been reading the 12 chapters of Midnight Sun that Steph Meyer put up on her website. It's a lot better than Twilight and New Moon. About on the same level as Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
OH and I met John Green. I told him that Alaska was my favorite book and he said "Even more than Twilight?" and I rolled my eyes and said "Please. That book was so bad." XD And he gave us party blowers that he had signed. I'd put in a picture, but I can't find my camera and it would take too much effort to find it. So :P on you. He also signed my book. I would've posed for pictures, but they didn't have enough time. ): A bunch of other people were, I just should've.
And I'm loving Disney movie music right now. My favorite movies with songs from Disney are Hercules and The Little Mermaid. And maybe Beauty and the Beast, although I like that a lot as a movie too. (:
So I don't bore you anymore, here's to you Gabe Saporta. I also don't know why it's to you.
<3 love you kids.
In other news, I'm going to see The Academy Is... on Friday at Six Flags Great America. I'm super excited, because what if I meet William Beckett? That would be so effin' epic. 8D Even if I don't get to meet him, it'll be my first concert this year. :O which is disturbing. I really hope I go to Warped/Blink reunion tour. Warped because, you know, it's Warped, and Blink because P!ATD (ALL HAIL THE EXCLAMATION POINT) and FOB are gonna be there.
I've been reading the 12 chapters of Midnight Sun that Steph Meyer put up on her website. It's a lot better than Twilight and New Moon. About on the same level as Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
OH and I met John Green. I told him that Alaska was my favorite book and he said "Even more than Twilight?" and I rolled my eyes and said "Please. That book was so bad." XD And he gave us party blowers that he had signed. I'd put in a picture, but I can't find my camera and it would take too much effort to find it. So :P on you. He also signed my book. I would've posed for pictures, but they didn't have enough time. ): A bunch of other people were, I just should've.
And I'm loving Disney movie music right now. My favorite movies with songs from Disney are Hercules and The Little Mermaid. And maybe Beauty and the Beast, although I like that a lot as a movie too. (:
So I don't bore you anymore, here's to you Gabe Saporta. I also don't know why it's to you.
<3 love you kids.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
God am I confused. Ugh.. I don't even know anymore about anything. Weird dreams and flirting girls are blurring my mind about who I actually like, someone who seems nice enough, or someone I've never talked to face to face. The idea of a person. They're both friends, so I don't want to not be friends with either of them.
I don't wanna wreck my life, basically.
I guess you can just take away from this post that I suck.
I don't wanna wreck my life, basically.
I guess you can just take away from this post that I suck.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Welcome back
so haaaaay.
sorry I abandoned you for so long. :(
I just was doing ~stuff
most of that ~stuff involved Freshman Connection and Neopets.
But really, I've been doing a lot at my future high school (which no, I am not revealing on the internet. I'm not stupid.) and I've been doing a lot online that didn't include this.
But basically, in closing, hope you had a great Canada Day, have a great 4th of July, and have fun this summer/winter thing.
sorry I abandoned you for so long. :(
I just was doing ~stuff
most of that ~stuff involved Freshman Connection and Neopets.
But really, I've been doing a lot at my future high school (which no, I am not revealing on the internet. I'm not stupid.) and I've been doing a lot online that didn't include this.
But basically, in closing, hope you had a great Canada Day, have a great 4th of July, and have fun this summer/winter thing.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
So my friend wrote this
"Well today was a day we will never again experience, a day of triumph, and a day of fear, a day of love, but also a day of losing loved ones, the day started out as any other, except everyone looked purple. We all told ourselves in our head "damn it's so hot on this stage" but we used every bit of strength we had to finish it on a high note, then we got outside and rejoiced as we achieved the dreaded 8th grade. We hugged, took pictures, some threw hats in the air, and some of us were deciding to cry or not, that moment didn't feel like the end, so we didn't. Then we had to wait those 6 dreaded hours that felt like an eternity. we dressed up, got classy but casual. Then we got to the party, At the beginning, We all mingled for a bit while we waited on others. Once we got there, we jumped in to the photo booth that opened up. We did this to create pictures that we can use to always preserve our memories. After that we got to the dancing, some danced with a fiery passion of the whole thing, while others weren't used to the idea so felt self-cautious.( I myself only danced for the last 5 songs)After that it hit us, we were leaving these people who we have been with for a majority of our lives, we laughed, we cried, we loved. we also rejoiced this moment in the way we know best, Singing, because if there's 2 songs we know by now, it's Seasons Of Love and M-I-S-H-A. Some cried,even the strongest people I have ever meant were sobbing, some held together but were crying inside, that or the shock didn't hit us yet. We hugged the people who cried, they needed it, this was an emotional chapter in our lives and we let it go by too fast. I will never forget this day and neither should anyone from the esteemed class of 200(fine) should either. I Will Miss You. I LOVE YOU ALL!"
It was one of the most beautiful descriptions I've ever read. It was a description of my graduation from the 8th grade. <3 I'm probably gonna miss this kid more than all the other kids at my school.
All in all, I just wanted to share this.
It was one of the most beautiful descriptions I've ever read. It was a description of my graduation from the 8th grade. <3 I'm probably gonna miss this kid more than all the other kids at my school.
All in all, I just wanted to share this.
Monday, May 25, 2009
made. my. day.
August 15…Chicago, IL…First Midwest Bank Pavilion…Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Chester French
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Lots of teh newz
So, a lot has happened lately.
First of all, let me say how nervous I was for yesterday. Yesterday was my audition for the advanced band program at my future high school. NERVE WRACKING.
So I learn my solo for the tryout, I get to the place, and he's late. I was on time, so no judging me. I saw some other people there too, and the kid was kinda cute. Haha, like I'd have a chance. Anyway, so this other kid comes out, and I go in and do my solo. After I'm done, he tells me he's putting me in ADVANCED BAND. WITH JUNIORS AND SENIORS. I'm scared~
Anyway, after that, it was time for The Meeting. I get to meet freaking Fall Out Boy.
So I get to the Best Buy a little late, and they already handed out all the wristbands. They only handed out 300, so me and my friend were nervous about getting in. We went inside to see if we could see the band as they walked by and I got a lame video of it. After that, we run downstairs to see if we can get in line for the signing. The guy tells us we have to wait until the 300 people go through first. We meet some cool kids and then the line opens up! We ran over there to get in line.
When we finally get upstairs, they tell us that everyone who already has a copy of the album that wants to get it signed can just get ahead of the people who have to buy the album. We cut like 20 people because the bums didn't get the album ahead of time. All I see when I first get up there is these rad glasses Patrick has on. I complimented him on them, and then he complimented me on this necklace I had on that had like 30 different colors on it. And then Andy doesn't say anything to anyone because he doesn't like these kinds of things. Joe looked tired, so I wasn't gonna bother him. Pete was apparently giving hugs, but he didn't give us one because the BB people were asses and wouldn't let him. :( So he was like, "I like your hair" but they shooed me out of line before I could tell him what I wanted to tell him. But Jenna told him about Kristen and her "camretarded" self. xD I love Kristen.
Anyway, that was my day yesterday. :D
Today, I found out what bad shape Lola (my rabbit) is in. :( We're gonna have to put her to sleep. :'(((( iay lola
Anyway. :] My week in a nutshell.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Okay, so maybe that idea failed
But never fear, o internet of wisdom.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
ISTP - "Artisan". Impulsive action. Life should be of impulse rather than of purpose. Action is an end to itself. Fearless, craves excitement, master of tools. 5.4% of total population. |
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wow I suck at updating.
I'm gonna try to update at least three times a week, everyday eventually.
Anyway, I just got back from Morocco, and it was amazing.
To say the very very least.
I graduate in 4 weeks.
My brother is coming back in six.
My best friend is coming to my graduation, and she lives in California.
<3 Right now, my life is okay, because I've got a buttload of homework to still do, and no where to go.
Ah well.
Anyway, I just got back from Morocco, and it was amazing.
To say the very very least.
I graduate in 4 weeks.
My brother is coming back in six.
My best friend is coming to my graduation, and she lives in California.
<3 Right now, my life is okay, because I've got a buttload of homework to still do, and no where to go.
Ah well.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
So, in order for me to accept who I am, I have to list all the things I don't like about myself and all the things I do like about myself.
Things I Don't Like About Myself:
1. I'm fat.
2. My hair is very annoying.
3. I find my voice, when recorded, is incredibly annoying.
4. I have unsuccessful relationships with my "friends" except for one in real life.
5. I spend all my time online.
6. I fail at life.
7. I'm lazy.
8. I never do things I mean to do.
9. I'm very forgetful.
10. I always lose the game.
11. I can be bitchy.
12. I keep secrets too big.
13. I don't get told anything.
14. I'm always lonely.
15. None of my irl friends want anything to do with me.
16. None of my irl friends hang out with me.
17. I whine.
18. People don't think I'm pretty.
19. I get zits a lot.
20. I'm too smart for my own good.
21. Boys don't like me.
Things I Do Like About Myself:
1. I'm a talented clarinetist.
2. I'm a talented singer.
3. My hair is individual from others.
4. My nails are very pretty.
5. I listen to really good music.
6. I'm smart.
7. I'd like to think I'm different from everyone else.
8. I can speak my mind without being offensive.
9. I know when to stop.
10. I don't break the law.
11. I'm a vegetarian.
12. I'm not afraid to be different.
13. I'm not afraid to be nerdy.
14. I try to admit when I'm wrong.
15. I try to help people with their problems, even if it doesn't help at all.
Anything else I should add to either list, comment. :]
Things I Don't Like About Myself:
1. I'm fat.
2. My hair is very annoying.
3. I find my voice, when recorded, is incredibly annoying.
4. I have unsuccessful relationships with my "friends" except for one in real life.
5. I spend all my time online.
6. I fail at life.
7. I'm lazy.
8. I never do things I mean to do.
9. I'm very forgetful.
10. I always lose the game.
11. I can be bitchy.
12. I keep secrets too big.
13. I don't get told anything.
14. I'm always lonely.
15. None of my irl friends want anything to do with me.
16. None of my irl friends hang out with me.
17. I whine.
18. People don't think I'm pretty.
19. I get zits a lot.
20. I'm too smart for my own good.
21. Boys don't like me.
Things I Do Like About Myself:
1. I'm a talented clarinetist.
2. I'm a talented singer.
3. My hair is individual from others.
4. My nails are very pretty.
5. I listen to really good music.
6. I'm smart.
7. I'd like to think I'm different from everyone else.
8. I can speak my mind without being offensive.
9. I know when to stop.
10. I don't break the law.
11. I'm a vegetarian.
12. I'm not afraid to be different.
13. I'm not afraid to be nerdy.
14. I try to admit when I'm wrong.
15. I try to help people with their problems, even if it doesn't help at all.
Anything else I should add to either list, comment. :]
Monday, March 16, 2009
I've been bad. I know. :[ We can all shun Rita now.
I've been behind because of history fair and whutnot.
I've been behind because of history fair and whutnot.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Life is Life.
I'm sick. I got into the school I want to go to. The Oscars suck. The Oscars are the best thing that's happened to the world.
Why can my life not be normal?
Why can my life not be normal?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Anti-Valentine's Day
This is a rant, so all you in favor of Valentine's day better skedaddle.
Originally Valentine's Day was St. Valentine's Day, a Roman Catholic holiday celebrating ST. VALENTINE. In case you are not Catholic or Christian or whatever, St Valentine back in the days of ancient Rome was jailed for being a doctor. When a guard of the jail came to him to ask for his help in curing his daughter of her blindness, he helped her by telling him to apply a salve on the insides of her eyes for three days, then come with her to Valentine. So, the guard did that, came back, and met Valentine. He put a rose up in front of her eyes and said "Open your eyes," and she did and she could see again! WHOOT CHEER whatever. So that's one reason- It's a freaking Christian holiday.
The second reason I hate it so much is that the card companies and the flower companies and whatever used the holiday to make money. By dropping the St. and just calling it Valentine's Day, most people that were not educated Christian-ly have no idea how the holiday came about. It just seems like something you could buy at a drug store. The religious holiday has become a nondenominational holiday which has become the grand thing we call Valentine's day.
Thirdly, it makes the rest of us who are above the grade of 4 and single feel like shit. Remember when you were little and you bought those little valentines and gave them to all your classmates? Yeah, those days have been sadly gone. In the place at my school, flowergrams. Which, in turn, people buy to make money for the French Club, but that's another story. But still, the idea of only sending certain people flowers still kills me. It just makes me want to tear out my hair.
Anyway, it all boils down to this: I'm not religious, a Hallmark supporter, or in love.
Sorry about the rant.
My day was just made 10x worse.
first, it's Valentine's day, which is pretty obvious I hate with a burning passion.
Second, I was supposed to be with my grandmother today but instead she's going to go over to my great-aunt's house to spend the day with her.
third, my mom asked if I wanted to do anything today. Yeah, something with my friends. Oh wait, half them are dating someone, so no.
god. today's gonna suck more than usual.
Even Later:
Originally Valentine's Day was St. Valentine's Day, a Roman Catholic holiday celebrating ST. VALENTINE. In case you are not Catholic or Christian or whatever, St Valentine back in the days of ancient Rome was jailed for being a doctor. When a guard of the jail came to him to ask for his help in curing his daughter of her blindness, he helped her by telling him to apply a salve on the insides of her eyes for three days, then come with her to Valentine. So, the guard did that, came back, and met Valentine. He put a rose up in front of her eyes and said "Open your eyes," and she did and she could see again! WHOOT CHEER whatever. So that's one reason- It's a freaking Christian holiday.
The second reason I hate it so much is that the card companies and the flower companies and whatever used the holiday to make money. By dropping the St. and just calling it Valentine's Day, most people that were not educated Christian-ly have no idea how the holiday came about. It just seems like something you could buy at a drug store. The religious holiday has become a nondenominational holiday which has become the grand thing we call Valentine's day.
Thirdly, it makes the rest of us who are above the grade of 4 and single feel like shit. Remember when you were little and you bought those little valentines and gave them to all your classmates? Yeah, those days have been sadly gone. In the place at my school, flowergrams. Which, in turn, people buy to make money for the French Club, but that's another story. But still, the idea of only sending certain people flowers still kills me. It just makes me want to tear out my hair.
Anyway, it all boils down to this: I'm not religious, a Hallmark supporter, or in love.
Sorry about the rant.
My day was just made 10x worse.
first, it's Valentine's day, which is pretty obvious I hate with a burning passion.
Second, I was supposed to be with my grandmother today but instead she's going to go over to my great-aunt's house to spend the day with her.
third, my mom asked if I wanted to do anything today. Yeah, something with my friends. Oh wait, half them are dating someone, so no.
god. today's gonna suck more than usual.
Even Later:
Friday, February 13, 2009
What the hell?!
You never even told me that I wasn't supposed to.
You never told me that we were gonna do it when I got back from Morocco.
It's like you expect me to be so freaking psychic that I always know what you're talking about. Sure, I "wasn't paying attention" when YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING!!!
Then, you blame me for your mistake. WHAT THE HELL.
You never even told me that I wasn't supposed to.
You never told me that we were gonna do it when I got back from Morocco.
It's like you expect me to be so freaking psychic that I always know what you're talking about. Sure, I "wasn't paying attention" when YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING!!!
Then, you blame me for your mistake. WHAT THE HELL.
Happy Friday the 13th!
I do not plan to see the movie. So there.
Anyway, I have the day off school so I had to go to the doctor's. Scary enough? NO. Of course not. >.> So anyway, I had to have my Gardasil shot so I'll be one less which I'm happy about. But then I had to have a TB test. What is a TB test you may ask? It's a tuberculosis test. Tuberculosis=violently coughing up blood. Fun, I know. So they stuck a needle in my arm. NUUUUU. So gross.
Anyway, I've been working on History Fair, aka Hell on a board, as well as my music ensemble.
I hope I didn't bore you too much. But probably.
I'm gonna stop rambling now. Bai.
Anyway, I have the day off school so I had to go to the doctor's. Scary enough? NO. Of course not. >.> So anyway, I had to have my Gardasil shot so I'll be one less which I'm happy about. But then I had to have a TB test. What is a TB test you may ask? It's a tuberculosis test. Tuberculosis=violently coughing up blood. Fun, I know. So they stuck a needle in my arm. NUUUUU. So gross.
Anyway, I've been working on History Fair, aka Hell on a board, as well as my music ensemble.
I hope I didn't bore you too much. But probably.
I'm gonna stop rambling now. Bai.
Friday, February 6, 2009
So, obviously
I haven't posted in forever. Assembly, then graduation pictures, then parties, and dress shopping. I'm going to another party tomorrow, but I also have to take the ACT tomorrow. For all you creepers in different countries, the ACT helps decide what college American high schoolers go to. Then there's the SAT which is a different and harder test, so I took the easier one first.
Anyway, I've got all this stuff to do and no time for blogging, so yeah. :] I'll update when I get the chance. If you want to be even more of a creeper and talk to me personally, do so at . :] Have fun kids!
Anyway, I've got all this stuff to do and no time for blogging, so yeah. :] I'll update when I get the chance. If you want to be even more of a creeper and talk to me personally, do so at . :] Have fun kids!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What is this feeling
This feeling is rejection.
Some people from some website spammed all my YouTube videos with hate comments.
I felt angry when I got the first one.
Then, I got over 150 more hate comments.
Then, I just felt like crying.
I got this letter from an anonymous user:
Ignore the comments that were plastered all over your video.
It's just a bunch of trolls from a certain website, who have nothing better to do than to boost their own self esteem by feeding on people's tears.
I hate when they do that crap. It's something I'd expect from my kid cousins.
For the record, I don't think your singing is bad.
I just thought that what THEY were doing was bad.
Good luck.
And keep making videos.
I thought it was super nice of this person to do this.
I had to take down all my videos just so I wouldn't get bothered by this.
Some people from some website spammed all my YouTube videos with hate comments.
I felt angry when I got the first one.
Then, I got over 150 more hate comments.
Then, I just felt like crying.
I got this letter from an anonymous user:
Ignore the comments that were plastered all over your video.
It's just a bunch of trolls from a certain website, who have nothing better to do than to boost their own self esteem by feeding on people's tears.
I hate when they do that crap. It's something I'd expect from my kid cousins.
For the record, I don't think your singing is bad.
I just thought that what THEY were doing was bad.
Good luck.
And keep making videos.
I thought it was super nice of this person to do this.
I had to take down all my videos just so I wouldn't get bothered by this.
Friday, January 23, 2009
I have problems.
I can't even explain my own feelings.
Why do I always do this?
I always put a song on repeat and I can't take it off until I go to sleep.

I have no idea what's wrong with me.
I seriously have no idea what is wrong with me.
10 minutes ago, I was fine and having hilarious conversations on the WAYT and now?
Now what?
God, what is my problem?
I need to care less about what people think of me.
Why do I always do this?
I always put a song on repeat and I can't take it off until I go to sleep.
I have no idea what's wrong with me.
I seriously have no idea what is wrong with me.
10 minutes ago, I was fine and having hilarious conversations on the WAYT and now?
Now what?
God, what is my problem?
I need to care less about what people think of me.
Have you ever
Have you ever had that feeling of pure.... happiness?
Like, when everything seems right in the world?
When you forget about everything- world hunger, civil wars, leaving your family for days and spending it with another, freaking out that the guy you're in love with is coming to your front door, flipping out about grades, etc?
all the little things
all the big things
Have you ever had that one moment where it all leaves you and all you're left with is pure ecstasy? Pure.. I don't even know how to explain my own feelings.
The feeling that all your problems and your city's problems and all your country's problems and all the world's problems and all the spacial problems are just gone?
I feel only like this when hearing those familiar lyrics, reading those familiar words over and over again, feeling that soft, worn fabric of your favorite hoodie, going to a show and screaming your lungs out, meeting people who live no where near you and having everything in common...
Having so much fun it hurts to think about anything else?
It's simply amazing.
If you've ever experienced this, you know what I mean.
You know how this feels.
You know that everything is fine. Nothing is wrong.
People aren't getting murdered, slaughtered, starved, annoyed, mad, heartbroken, all the negative feelings.
All you feel is your own joy? happiness? ecstasy? love? amazing?
I don't know.
I know you probably are so confused and like "what is she talking about", etc.
But you have no idea until you know what I mean.
Like, when everything seems right in the world?
When you forget about everything- world hunger, civil wars, leaving your family for days and spending it with another, freaking out that the guy you're in love with is coming to your front door, flipping out about grades, etc?
all the little things
all the big things
Have you ever had that one moment where it all leaves you and all you're left with is pure ecstasy? Pure.. I don't even know how to explain my own feelings.
The feeling that all your problems and your city's problems and all your country's problems and all the world's problems and all the spacial problems are just gone?
I feel only like this when hearing those familiar lyrics, reading those familiar words over and over again, feeling that soft, worn fabric of your favorite hoodie, going to a show and screaming your lungs out, meeting people who live no where near you and having everything in common...
Having so much fun it hurts to think about anything else?
It's simply amazing.
If you've ever experienced this, you know what I mean.
You know how this feels.
You know that everything is fine. Nothing is wrong.
People aren't getting murdered, slaughtered, starved, annoyed, mad, heartbroken, all the negative feelings.
All you feel is your own joy? happiness? ecstasy? love? amazing?
I don't know.
I know you probably are so confused and like "what is she talking about", etc.
But you have no idea until you know what I mean.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
My life sucks today.
Ugh, my friends from school are a bunch of posers and fakes. And they care all too much about having a bf/gf that they don't actually like them.
Take my friend. She's been going out with this guy since October. They've known each other since forever, so that's not the point. He doesn't talk to her and flirts with other girls very obviously. All of us, her so called friends tell her to break up with him and she's like "I don't want to hurt his feelings!" and we're like "What fucking feelings? He clearly likes you enough to go talk to other girls more than you." So anyway, this girl that clearly likes him hatches evil plans to split them up. She's an underclassman. -dies of laughter- so anyway, like my friend was like I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU ALONE. And she took all of my friends but me so I was just like "whatever, I'm leaving." I left.
My other friend has a boyfriend and the only reason she hasn't broken up with him is because she "hates being single". I'm like WTF. I'VE NEVER HAD A REAL BF. YOU'RE OBSESSING BECAUSE THIS GUY YOU SO CALLED "LIKE" DOESN'T FUCKING CALL YOU. You know why I haven't had a bf yet? It's because all the guys in my grade are assholes or try too hard to be cool.
I freaking hate my dad. So like today, I have half my grade due TOMORROW and it needed to be printed. So I go downstairs an hour before the Staples closes to make sure I get there before the store closes. So, I'm down there and my dad's been sitting around down there drinking. Not drinking heavily, but enough so a few of his words were slurred. So I said, "Hey dad, could you help me print this project really fast?" and he said "okay". So we sit down there for fucking 45 minutes waiting for him to quit blathering on about whatever the hell he was blathering on about. UGH.
We leave our home just in time to see the store is closed.
At this point in time, I'm about to shoot him. And then, when we're driving home from the store, he's swerving all over the road and he thinks this is natural, then spills my thing that needs to be bound all over the dirty muddy floor of the car.
fml. fmfl.
Take my friend. She's been going out with this guy since October. They've known each other since forever, so that's not the point. He doesn't talk to her and flirts with other girls very obviously. All of us, her so called friends tell her to break up with him and she's like "I don't want to hurt his feelings!" and we're like "What fucking feelings? He clearly likes you enough to go talk to other girls more than you." So anyway, this girl that clearly likes him hatches evil plans to split them up. She's an underclassman. -dies of laughter- so anyway, like my friend was like I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU ALONE. And she took all of my friends but me so I was just like "whatever, I'm leaving." I left.
My other friend has a boyfriend and the only reason she hasn't broken up with him is because she "hates being single". I'm like WTF. I'VE NEVER HAD A REAL BF. YOU'RE OBSESSING BECAUSE THIS GUY YOU SO CALLED "LIKE" DOESN'T FUCKING CALL YOU. You know why I haven't had a bf yet? It's because all the guys in my grade are assholes or try too hard to be cool.
I freaking hate my dad. So like today, I have half my grade due TOMORROW and it needed to be printed. So I go downstairs an hour before the Staples closes to make sure I get there before the store closes. So, I'm down there and my dad's been sitting around down there drinking. Not drinking heavily, but enough so a few of his words were slurred. So I said, "Hey dad, could you help me print this project really fast?" and he said "okay". So we sit down there for fucking 45 minutes waiting for him to quit blathering on about whatever the hell he was blathering on about. UGH.
We leave our home just in time to see the store is closed.
At this point in time, I'm about to shoot him. And then, when we're driving home from the store, he's swerving all over the road and he thinks this is natural, then spills my thing that needs to be bound all over the dirty muddy floor of the car.
fml. fmfl.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Angryful Blender Article
Mikey asked. Whatever's in [] is what I added.
"Fall Out boy are in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), the second stop on a back-to-basics club tour to promote their new album. They drove down from Boston this morning in a rented Dodge minivan and are currently lounging in the makeshift dressing room of a North Philly dive bar, across the street from Floyd & Diann's Tire Service. A camera crew from Fuse is here, and a gaggle of pubescent girls await a meet-and-greet just outside the door. And over in the corner, Pete Wentz is unzipping his pants.
Armed with an empty 16-ounce Poland Spring bottle, Wentz- Fall Out Boy's 29 year old bassist and mouthpiece- turns to face the wall. While the rest of the room averts their eyes, he hunches he back and takes what is, by all appearances, a brief yet wholly satisfying piss.
'All right,' he says, zipping back up. 'We ready?'
Pete Wentz has built his life around making the private public. In an age when all reality is televised and the most intimate of details are broadcast via Facebook Alert, Wentz is the king of the overshare- penning songs that flaunt their autobiographical provenance and blogging obsessively about everything from his 2005 suicide attmept to his favorite skate shoes. Unguarded and unashamed, he's the quintessential 21st century rock star- a penis-flashing Twitter stream come to life.
Wentz has been mocked mercilessly for his atention-mongering. He's been branded an asshole, a sellout, a fucktard, a fame whore, a twat, a dick and a closeted gay douchebag-- and those are just the comments on one Perez Hilton post. But as Wentz puts it in the Fall Out Boy will encore tonight: I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.
'Being famous is like being in the WWF (World Wrestling Federation),' Wentz says. 'When we first came out, I was Hulk Hogan. Kids loved me. Now I'm more like the Undertaker. The thing people don't understnad is, the boos are the same as the cheers to me. I just love to wrestle.'
Two days later- sunny Los Angeles. FOB are shooting a video for their new single "America's Suitehearts" at a hangar-sized soundstage. The set resembles a ghoulish Hollywood carnival, complete with zombie starlets, a moat of toxic sludge, and a giant red merry-go-round where the band will perform before a pack of bloodthirsty paparazzi.
The cameras roll, and the carousel begins to spin. As teh fake photographers swarm, the members of FOB circle one by one into view. First comes guitarist Joe Trohman- Crazy-haired and slightly dazed-looking, in red suede boots and a matching fez. Next, Andy Hurley, the bearded, tattooed drummer, in a leprechaun-green tuxedo and no shirt. Singer Patrick Stump, wearing a canary-yellow tailcoat and a feathered top hat, looking like a debonair chicken. And finally- in kneehigh leather boots, gold lame hot pants and a black lace headpiece so ghastly Cher would have worn it to the Oscars and once did- comes Wentz, looking like some kind of gay glam gladiator, an evil skelton smile plastered on his face in black and white greasepaint.
It's not hard to find reasons to make fun of Wentz, His swooping bangs and disproportionately large head make him look disturbingly like a grown-up version of a Garbage Pail Kid. He wears girls' jeans and toils in a genre known more for its interest in cosmetics than for its contributions to the pop music canon. His lyrics are more self-indulgent than a luxury-spa retreat. Pictures of his penis have wound up on the internet. He plays the bass- and not very well.
Yet this self-described 'dirty, shitty boy' is also, improbably, the world's biggest rock star under teha ge of 30. (Try naming one bigger.[cough cough Rita here, RYAN.]) He has his hand in a clothing line, an MTV show, a chain of bars and his own record label. Riding the cresting twin waves of emo and MySpace, FOB transformed themselves from four midwestern kids with funny names and bad haircuts to one of rock's last reliable record-movers, selling a combined 4 million copies of their last 2 albums. And today, over in the band's dressing room, curled up on a checkered sofa, sits another keystone of Wentz's growing celebrity: a very pregnant Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. She and Wentz were married last may; they're expecting their first child, a boy, literally any minute. 'Hey babe,' Wentz says during a break in shooting, He bends down and kisses her cheek. 'Feeling okay?'
Simpson wipes a smudge of his makeup of her face. 'I hope he comes out soon,' she says, lifting her shirt to expose her colossal belly. 'He's killing my bladder.'
America's Funniest Home Videos is on, and Wentz plops down on the floor to watch. He scoots backward between her legs, resting his chin on her thigh and his head gently against her stomach. She strokes his hair, brushing the bangs from his eyes. On the TV, a fat lady tumbles off a trampoline and into a fence. They both laugh.
Wentz allows that the pregnancy sped things up, but he always knew they'd be married someday. He courted her publicly and relentlessly, babbling about his crush in magazines (both were dating other people) and e-mailing her often. 'I hunted her down and shot the dart in her,' he says. 'I just had to wait for her to collapse.' Now they live in Beverly Hills mansion just up the road from Posh and Becks, whith his-and-hers bulldogs and a son on the say. 'Basically, I'm married to the person I'd be jerking off to.'
The band's new album is called Folie A Deux, French for a shared madness of two-a psychological condition in which two people suffer from similar delusions, each feeding off the other's psychosis. (Wentz read about it in Newsweek.) The textbook example is Romeo and Juliet [or Mikey and Marlee], but Wentz swears the title isn't about him and Simpson. Instead, it's about fame- the toxic symbosis between stars and their public.
Wentz has always lived his life in the spotlight, mostly by design, But since he married pop's most notorious little sis, he's become a red-hot tabloid magnet, hounded by paparazzi outside Starb ucks like any Hollywood celebutard. 'Pete would never be on the cover of people if it weren't for Ashlee,' says Perez Hilton. 'Before her, he was just that guy in the band who wore eyeliner and spent a lot of time on his hair.' As Ashlee's due date nears, the paps have staked out the couple's home 24/7, hoping to score some pictures of the mommy-to-be en route to the hospital. The morning after the video shoot, I meet Wentz and STump for breakfast at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Wentz arrives a half-hour late: The paps pounced before he'd pulled out of the driveway, and he spent the next 30 minutes zigzagging around the Hollywood Hills trying to lose them. 'It's weird,' he says sliding into the booth. 'Spending your life being followed by people who want a picture of the person sitting next to you.'
'Welcome to my world,' Stump snorts.
Wentz [sucks to this- he's gonna be W from now on.] likes eating here because the paps can't get in. Still, he sits with his back to the wall, his eyes darting nervously toward any peripheral movement. 'I'm paranoid pretty much all the time,' he says. A few nights ago, he was in the kitchen when he saw someone on the security monitor: a man, scaling the fence. He ran outside; the intruder hoppeed in his car and sped off, smashing the Range Rover on the way.
W sets his sunglasses on the table and picks up the menu. Truth ber told, he doesn't look great. Dark bags ring his eyes, and his skin has a waxy, jaundiced pallor. He says he sleeps three hours a night- sometimes less- and pops Ambien like Tropical Skittles. 'I can take three Xanax bars and not feel a thing,' he says. 'It's kinda scary.'
We haven't been seated long when who should walk in the restaurant but W's buddy John Mayer. 'Oh, shit!' W says, jumping up to give him a hug. 'What's up, dude?'
Mayer answers with a hearty clap on the back. 'I just sent you an email! How's the 32-month pregnancy?' He turns to Stump. 'I swear to god, they're making a superhero over there.'
Close friends who- had things turned out differently with Jessica- might have been brothers-in-law, W and m set online tounges wagging last spring when they engaged in a breathless bromance on their respective blogs. (W praised M in a post called YES, IT'S A CRUSH and two days later, M responded with a gushing note titled CRUSH REQUEST ACCEPTED.) 'Pete has this fabulous meta-awareness,' M says. 'Some people mistake it for narcissism, but it's really just his ways of playing with the idea of PW. His genius is that he's always one step ahead.' M also admires the way W has navigated the perils of tabloid romance: 'To have this beautiful relationship with someone who gets attacked so often, and to handle it with such grace and respect- I just find that really impressive.'
While the two pals catch up, Stump sits in silence, awkwardly picking at his huevos rancheros. Though he obsitantly FOB's frontman, S takes a backseat to W both onstage and IRL. Partly it's good for business; their well-known division of labor-W writes the lyrics, S the melodies- keeps W's antics front and center, while S is largely a blank slate- a golden throated delivery system for someone else's emotions., the plain white cracker to W's cheese. But it's also a function of personality. A self-described nerd, S says he has 'terribly low self-esteem' and shuns the spotlight whenever possible. And though he's a gifted producer who's been invited to make beats for superstars like Lil Wayne and Jay-Z, he always finds a way to say no. 'I'm just a fat white dude from Glenview, Illinois, [ILLINOIS FTW.]' he says. 'As a hip-hop fan, I don't want me doing hip-hop.'
According to W, S 'has this amazing ability to hide in plain sight.' Sometimes, though, it's unclear as to whearther he's hiding or just not being seen, Take the night of the presidential election, when they were both in New York. W attended a b-day party for Diddy, where he cheered teh returns alongside Jay-Z, Ben Stiller, and Kenneth from 30 Rock. S, meanwhile, watched CNN from his hotel room alone. 'Dude, you should have called me!' says W when he hears this news. But it's clear from S's face taht it wouldnt've mattered.
Still, the two are about as close as friends can be. S was the best man at W's wedding, as well as the one who 'talked him off the cliff' when the penis photos hit the web. 'Things literally could not have gotten worse,' W says now. 'I was just a wingman for my cock.'
Often however, the pair's folie a deux doesn't leave much room for numbers trois et quatre.The first time I meet Andy, in his dressing room at the video shoot, he's feeling suicidal. 'If the Packers [Green Bay Packers, football team] don't get this first down, I'm gonna kill myself,' says the drummer, watching his beloved Packers struggle against the Vikings [Minnesota Vikings]. When Green Bay's kicker misses the game-winning field goal, H smals his iPhone onto the table, gets up, and starts punching the metal door frame, and doesn't stop for 45 seconds.
Let's face it: the dude's a little weird. [WTF. HOW DOES HE GET TO SAY THIS.] A self-described 'anarcho-savagist,' H believes that civilization is on it's way out, and the sooner, the better- he opposes conservation, supports ecoterrorism, and plans to use his FOB money to buy land in northern Wisconsin and ride out the apocalypse. He shares a house in Milwaukee [Wisconsin] with four vegan straght-edge buddies, where they play kickball on Thursdays and practice jujitsu every morning. They call it Fuck City. 'I don't really get into that red-carpet stuff,' H says, somewhat unecessarily. 'I like to keep things pretty simple.'
Talking with H, you get the impression that he's completly content to play the drums and go home to his Boca Burgers and Alan Moore comics. Joe Trohman, on the other hand, wants to do more. 'I do feel left out a lot,' the guitarist says. At 24, he's teh youngest of the Fall Out boys, and he plays the role of kid brother well- splurging on old Nintendo games and $500 Storm Trooper figurines, finding funny YouTube videos for the guys to watch (the latest favorite: Chimpanzee Riding a Segway [FTW]). If FOB were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, W would be Leonardo, S would be Donatello, H would be Raphael, and T, all agree, would be Michelangelo- the 'party dude'. 'Joe is a free spirit,' S says. 'He's just off in Joe Land, which is an awesome place to be.'
To hear T tell it though, Joe Land isn't always so awesome. 'It does get frustrating, not being able to contribute,' T says. 'I mean, it's hard to be labeled a background guy, someone who's just along for the ride- it's hard. I started FOB, you know?' He wrote a few songs for the new albume, but they were all cut, last minute, 'It's kind of a bummer, to work so hard and have it all come to nothing. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing anyone, or I'm ungrateful,' he stresses. 'Because I'm very happy to be part of all this. I'm afraid the guys are gonna read this and wish I'd talked to tehm first- which maybe I should have. But sometimes, it doesn't feel like I'm even in the band."
God, that's all I can bear to write. There's one more section, but my wrist hurts and if you really want it, I'll send it to you.
The rest of it is about Pete. .__.
You can see why we're so pissed about it.
"Fall Out boy are in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), the second stop on a back-to-basics club tour to promote their new album. They drove down from Boston this morning in a rented Dodge minivan and are currently lounging in the makeshift dressing room of a North Philly dive bar, across the street from Floyd & Diann's Tire Service. A camera crew from Fuse is here, and a gaggle of pubescent girls await a meet-and-greet just outside the door. And over in the corner, Pete Wentz is unzipping his pants.
Armed with an empty 16-ounce Poland Spring bottle, Wentz- Fall Out Boy's 29 year old bassist and mouthpiece- turns to face the wall. While the rest of the room averts their eyes, he hunches he back and takes what is, by all appearances, a brief yet wholly satisfying piss.
'All right,' he says, zipping back up. 'We ready?'
Pete Wentz has built his life around making the private public. In an age when all reality is televised and the most intimate of details are broadcast via Facebook Alert, Wentz is the king of the overshare- penning songs that flaunt their autobiographical provenance and blogging obsessively about everything from his 2005 suicide attmept to his favorite skate shoes. Unguarded and unashamed, he's the quintessential 21st century rock star- a penis-flashing Twitter stream come to life.
Wentz has been mocked mercilessly for his atention-mongering. He's been branded an asshole, a sellout, a fucktard, a fame whore, a twat, a dick and a closeted gay douchebag-- and those are just the comments on one Perez Hilton post. But as Wentz puts it in the Fall Out Boy will encore tonight: I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.
'Being famous is like being in the WWF (World Wrestling Federation),' Wentz says. 'When we first came out, I was Hulk Hogan. Kids loved me. Now I'm more like the Undertaker. The thing people don't understnad is, the boos are the same as the cheers to me. I just love to wrestle.'
Two days later- sunny Los Angeles. FOB are shooting a video for their new single "America's Suitehearts" at a hangar-sized soundstage. The set resembles a ghoulish Hollywood carnival, complete with zombie starlets, a moat of toxic sludge, and a giant red merry-go-round where the band will perform before a pack of bloodthirsty paparazzi.
The cameras roll, and the carousel begins to spin. As teh fake photographers swarm, the members of FOB circle one by one into view. First comes guitarist Joe Trohman- Crazy-haired and slightly dazed-looking, in red suede boots and a matching fez. Next, Andy Hurley, the bearded, tattooed drummer, in a leprechaun-green tuxedo and no shirt. Singer Patrick Stump, wearing a canary-yellow tailcoat and a feathered top hat, looking like a debonair chicken. And finally- in kneehigh leather boots, gold lame hot pants and a black lace headpiece so ghastly Cher would have worn it to the Oscars and once did- comes Wentz, looking like some kind of gay glam gladiator, an evil skelton smile plastered on his face in black and white greasepaint.
It's not hard to find reasons to make fun of Wentz, His swooping bangs and disproportionately large head make him look disturbingly like a grown-up version of a Garbage Pail Kid. He wears girls' jeans and toils in a genre known more for its interest in cosmetics than for its contributions to the pop music canon. His lyrics are more self-indulgent than a luxury-spa retreat. Pictures of his penis have wound up on the internet. He plays the bass- and not very well.
Yet this self-described 'dirty, shitty boy' is also, improbably, the world's biggest rock star under teha ge of 30. (Try naming one bigger.[cough cough Rita here, RYAN.]) He has his hand in a clothing line, an MTV show, a chain of bars and his own record label. Riding the cresting twin waves of emo and MySpace, FOB transformed themselves from four midwestern kids with funny names and bad haircuts to one of rock's last reliable record-movers, selling a combined 4 million copies of their last 2 albums. And today, over in the band's dressing room, curled up on a checkered sofa, sits another keystone of Wentz's growing celebrity: a very pregnant Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. She and Wentz were married last may; they're expecting their first child, a boy, literally any minute. 'Hey babe,' Wentz says during a break in shooting, He bends down and kisses her cheek. 'Feeling okay?'
Simpson wipes a smudge of his makeup of her face. 'I hope he comes out soon,' she says, lifting her shirt to expose her colossal belly. 'He's killing my bladder.'
America's Funniest Home Videos is on, and Wentz plops down on the floor to watch. He scoots backward between her legs, resting his chin on her thigh and his head gently against her stomach. She strokes his hair, brushing the bangs from his eyes. On the TV, a fat lady tumbles off a trampoline and into a fence. They both laugh.
Wentz allows that the pregnancy sped things up, but he always knew they'd be married someday. He courted her publicly and relentlessly, babbling about his crush in magazines (both were dating other people) and e-mailing her often. 'I hunted her down and shot the dart in her,' he says. 'I just had to wait for her to collapse.' Now they live in Beverly Hills mansion just up the road from Posh and Becks, whith his-and-hers bulldogs and a son on the say. 'Basically, I'm married to the person I'd be jerking off to.'
The band's new album is called Folie A Deux, French for a shared madness of two-a psychological condition in which two people suffer from similar delusions, each feeding off the other's psychosis. (Wentz read about it in Newsweek.) The textbook example is Romeo and Juliet [or Mikey and Marlee], but Wentz swears the title isn't about him and Simpson. Instead, it's about fame- the toxic symbosis between stars and their public.
Wentz has always lived his life in the spotlight, mostly by design, But since he married pop's most notorious little sis, he's become a red-hot tabloid magnet, hounded by paparazzi outside Starb ucks like any Hollywood celebutard. 'Pete would never be on the cover of people if it weren't for Ashlee,' says Perez Hilton. 'Before her, he was just that guy in the band who wore eyeliner and spent a lot of time on his hair.' As Ashlee's due date nears, the paps have staked out the couple's home 24/7, hoping to score some pictures of the mommy-to-be en route to the hospital. The morning after the video shoot, I meet Wentz and STump for breakfast at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Wentz arrives a half-hour late: The paps pounced before he'd pulled out of the driveway, and he spent the next 30 minutes zigzagging around the Hollywood Hills trying to lose them. 'It's weird,' he says sliding into the booth. 'Spending your life being followed by people who want a picture of the person sitting next to you.'
'Welcome to my world,' Stump snorts.
Wentz [sucks to this- he's gonna be W from now on.] likes eating here because the paps can't get in. Still, he sits with his back to the wall, his eyes darting nervously toward any peripheral movement. 'I'm paranoid pretty much all the time,' he says. A few nights ago, he was in the kitchen when he saw someone on the security monitor: a man, scaling the fence. He ran outside; the intruder hoppeed in his car and sped off, smashing the Range Rover on the way.
W sets his sunglasses on the table and picks up the menu. Truth ber told, he doesn't look great. Dark bags ring his eyes, and his skin has a waxy, jaundiced pallor. He says he sleeps three hours a night- sometimes less- and pops Ambien like Tropical Skittles. 'I can take three Xanax bars and not feel a thing,' he says. 'It's kinda scary.'
We haven't been seated long when who should walk in the restaurant but W's buddy John Mayer. 'Oh, shit!' W says, jumping up to give him a hug. 'What's up, dude?'
Mayer answers with a hearty clap on the back. 'I just sent you an email! How's the 32-month pregnancy?' He turns to Stump. 'I swear to god, they're making a superhero over there.'
Close friends who- had things turned out differently with Jessica- might have been brothers-in-law, W and m set online tounges wagging last spring when they engaged in a breathless bromance on their respective blogs. (W praised M in a post called YES, IT'S A CRUSH and two days later, M responded with a gushing note titled CRUSH REQUEST ACCEPTED.) 'Pete has this fabulous meta-awareness,' M says. 'Some people mistake it for narcissism, but it's really just his ways of playing with the idea of PW. His genius is that he's always one step ahead.' M also admires the way W has navigated the perils of tabloid romance: 'To have this beautiful relationship with someone who gets attacked so often, and to handle it with such grace and respect- I just find that really impressive.'
While the two pals catch up, Stump sits in silence, awkwardly picking at his huevos rancheros. Though he obsitantly FOB's frontman, S takes a backseat to W both onstage and IRL. Partly it's good for business; their well-known division of labor-W writes the lyrics, S the melodies- keeps W's antics front and center, while S is largely a blank slate- a golden throated delivery system for someone else's emotions., the plain white cracker to W's cheese. But it's also a function of personality. A self-described nerd, S says he has 'terribly low self-esteem' and shuns the spotlight whenever possible. And though he's a gifted producer who's been invited to make beats for superstars like Lil Wayne and Jay-Z, he always finds a way to say no. 'I'm just a fat white dude from Glenview, Illinois, [ILLINOIS FTW.]' he says. 'As a hip-hop fan, I don't want me doing hip-hop.'
According to W, S 'has this amazing ability to hide in plain sight.' Sometimes, though, it's unclear as to whearther he's hiding or just not being seen, Take the night of the presidential election, when they were both in New York. W attended a b-day party for Diddy, where he cheered teh returns alongside Jay-Z, Ben Stiller, and Kenneth from 30 Rock. S, meanwhile, watched CNN from his hotel room alone. 'Dude, you should have called me!' says W when he hears this news. But it's clear from S's face taht it wouldnt've mattered.
Still, the two are about as close as friends can be. S was the best man at W's wedding, as well as the one who 'talked him off the cliff' when the penis photos hit the web. 'Things literally could not have gotten worse,' W says now. 'I was just a wingman for my cock.'
Often however, the pair's folie a deux doesn't leave much room for numbers trois et quatre.The first time I meet Andy, in his dressing room at the video shoot, he's feeling suicidal. 'If the Packers [Green Bay Packers, football team] don't get this first down, I'm gonna kill myself,' says the drummer, watching his beloved Packers struggle against the Vikings [Minnesota Vikings]. When Green Bay's kicker misses the game-winning field goal, H smals his iPhone onto the table, gets up, and starts punching the metal door frame, and doesn't stop for 45 seconds.
Let's face it: the dude's a little weird. [WTF. HOW DOES HE GET TO SAY THIS.] A self-described 'anarcho-savagist,' H believes that civilization is on it's way out, and the sooner, the better- he opposes conservation, supports ecoterrorism, and plans to use his FOB money to buy land in northern Wisconsin and ride out the apocalypse. He shares a house in Milwaukee [Wisconsin] with four vegan straght-edge buddies, where they play kickball on Thursdays and practice jujitsu every morning. They call it Fuck City. 'I don't really get into that red-carpet stuff,' H says, somewhat unecessarily. 'I like to keep things pretty simple.'
Talking with H, you get the impression that he's completly content to play the drums and go home to his Boca Burgers and Alan Moore comics. Joe Trohman, on the other hand, wants to do more. 'I do feel left out a lot,' the guitarist says. At 24, he's teh youngest of the Fall Out boys, and he plays the role of kid brother well- splurging on old Nintendo games and $500 Storm Trooper figurines, finding funny YouTube videos for the guys to watch (the latest favorite: Chimpanzee Riding a Segway [FTW]). If FOB were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, W would be Leonardo, S would be Donatello, H would be Raphael, and T, all agree, would be Michelangelo- the 'party dude'. 'Joe is a free spirit,' S says. 'He's just off in Joe Land, which is an awesome place to be.'
To hear T tell it though, Joe Land isn't always so awesome. 'It does get frustrating, not being able to contribute,' T says. 'I mean, it's hard to be labeled a background guy, someone who's just along for the ride- it's hard. I started FOB, you know?' He wrote a few songs for the new albume, but they were all cut, last minute, 'It's kind of a bummer, to work so hard and have it all come to nothing. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing anyone, or I'm ungrateful,' he stresses. 'Because I'm very happy to be part of all this. I'm afraid the guys are gonna read this and wish I'd talked to tehm first- which maybe I should have. But sometimes, it doesn't feel like I'm even in the band."
God, that's all I can bear to write. There's one more section, but my wrist hurts and if you really want it, I'll send it to you.
The rest of it is about Pete. .__.
You can see why we're so pissed about it.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Philosophical questions
Why is there no beauty?
-To confuse us into thinking there is.
Do or do people not wear facades?
-Most do, just to hide who they really are.
Why does no one like who they are?
-Because they like the idea of someone else.
Why do we complain?
-To get angry at someone for something they didn't do.
Why do we complain?
-It gives us something to get angry at others for.
Why are our lives jacked?
-Because of the people whose lives were jacked.
Why is it that all the really attractive guys the ones we'll never have?
-It's just spite kicking you in the ass.
-To confuse us into thinking there is.
Do or do people not wear facades?
-Most do, just to hide who they really are.
Why does no one like who they are?
-Because they like the idea of someone else.
Why do we complain?
-To get angry at someone for something they didn't do.
Why do we complain?
-It gives us something to get angry at others for.
Why are our lives jacked?
-Because of the people whose lives were jacked.
Why is it that all the really attractive guys the ones we'll never have?
-It's just spite kicking you in the ass.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
can't he just take it as a nice gesture and live with it?
So, one of our neighbors has a snow blower, and he went over the sidewalk in front of our house.
My dad starts bitching about how "Oh, it's on the curb" and "it was fine before"
Why can't he just DROP IT, take it as something he did out of the kindness of his heart, AND LEAVE.
So, one of our neighbors has a snow blower, and he went over the sidewalk in front of our house.
My dad starts bitching about how "Oh, it's on the curb" and "it was fine before"
Why can't he just DROP IT, take it as something he did out of the kindness of his heart, AND LEAVE.
My favorite albums
Music has always been a part of my life, and I think I should explicitly tell you what my faves are.
(In No Particular Order Because There Is None, Only The Listing on my iTunes)
1. Fast Times at Barrington High- The Academy Is...
2. Move Along- The All-American Rejects
3. The All-American Rejects (self-titled)
4. Boys Like Girls (self-titled)
5. Whisper War- The Cab
6. Everytime We Touch- CASCADA
7. Perfect Day- CASCADA
8. Fancy Footwork-Chromeo
9. While The City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets- Cobra Starship
10. Viva la Cobra!- Cobra Starship
11. EP- Debello
12. Howl- Empires
13. You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into- Does It Offend You, Yeah?
14. Folie a Deux- Fall Out Boy
15. From Under the Cork Tree- Fall Out Boy
16. Infinity on High- Fall Out Boy
17. Citizens for Our Betterment Mixtape- Whoever is on DecayDance/FBR
18. The Reminder- Feist
19. St. Elsewhere- Gnarls Barkley
20. American Idiot- Green Day
21. Goodbye Blues- The Hush Sound
22. Like Vines- The Hush Sound
23. So Sudden- The Hush Sound
24. Metro Station (self-titled)
25. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out- Panic! at the Disco
26. Pretty. Odd.- Panic at the Disco
27. Riot!- Paramore
28. Any Queen compilations
29. We Started Nothing- The Ting Tings
30. The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack- music by Danny Elfman
31. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack- Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt (main composers)
32. Cross- Justice
33. Franz Ferdinand (self-titled)
34. You Could Have It So Much Better- Franz Ferdinand
35. White Album- The Beatles
36. Actually, any Beatles album. :]
No particular order, although if I had to pick my top five-
1. Folie a Deux
2. Goodbye Blues
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
4. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
5. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack
No surprise there....
(In No Particular Order Because There Is None, Only The Listing on my iTunes)
1. Fast Times at Barrington High- The Academy Is...
2. Move Along- The All-American Rejects
3. The All-American Rejects (self-titled)
4. Boys Like Girls (self-titled)
5. Whisper War- The Cab
6. Everytime We Touch- CASCADA
7. Perfect Day- CASCADA
8. Fancy Footwork-Chromeo
9. While The City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets- Cobra Starship
10. Viva la Cobra!- Cobra Starship
11. EP- Debello
12. Howl- Empires
13. You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into- Does It Offend You, Yeah?
14. Folie a Deux- Fall Out Boy
15. From Under the Cork Tree- Fall Out Boy
16. Infinity on High- Fall Out Boy
17. Citizens for Our Betterment Mixtape- Whoever is on DecayDance/FBR
18. The Reminder- Feist
19. St. Elsewhere- Gnarls Barkley
20. American Idiot- Green Day
21. Goodbye Blues- The Hush Sound
22. Like Vines- The Hush Sound
23. So Sudden- The Hush Sound
24. Metro Station (self-titled)
25. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out- Panic! at the Disco
26. Pretty. Odd.- Panic at the Disco
27. Riot!- Paramore
28. Any Queen compilations
29. We Started Nothing- The Ting Tings
30. The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack- music by Danny Elfman
31. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack- Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt (main composers)
32. Cross- Justice
33. Franz Ferdinand (self-titled)
34. You Could Have It So Much Better- Franz Ferdinand
35. White Album- The Beatles
36. Actually, any Beatles album. :]
No particular order, although if I had to pick my top five-
1. Folie a Deux
2. Goodbye Blues
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
4. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
5. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack
No surprise there....
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hey you
If you care, and if I don't know you, go to my deviantart
it will show you bad microsoft paint and really good pictures. if the link doesn't work, it's this:
it will show you bad microsoft paint and really good pictures. if the link doesn't work, it's this:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I apologize
for all the whining.
I'm not trying to be such a whiner. I'm not trying to make you have sympathy for me. I just need something to let my feelings out on to without getting bashed.
I'm going to whine some more. If you want to read, go ahead but no one's forcing you.
"I constantly feel alone lately. Maybe it's just my stir-craziness, my wanting to see my friends again, my not going anywhere for the holidays. I feel like I belong in my family sometimes, even though I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else. There's a lot of secreting going on, and I'm not a big fan of secrets.
All the people I know seem to be drifting away from me. People seem to magnify their own feelings and problems to make yours less significant.
I don't want to seem like a poser, being all whiny and whatnot. If you think that, then stop reading my blog after this post. It's not my problem. I hope you guys think I have real feelings." - 12/2/2009
I'm not trying to be such a whiner. I'm not trying to make you have sympathy for me. I just need something to let my feelings out on to without getting bashed.
I'm going to whine some more. If you want to read, go ahead but no one's forcing you.
"I constantly feel alone lately. Maybe it's just my stir-craziness, my wanting to see my friends again, my not going anywhere for the holidays. I feel like I belong in my family sometimes, even though I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else. There's a lot of secreting going on, and I'm not a big fan of secrets.
All the people I know seem to be drifting away from me. People seem to magnify their own feelings and problems to make yours less significant.
I don't want to seem like a poser, being all whiny and whatnot. If you think that, then stop reading my blog after this post. It's not my problem. I hope you guys think I have real feelings." - 12/2/2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
So far, 2009 sucks.
My family constantly makes me feel like crap and I'm so sick of it. I mean, it's just that I always feel sad lately. Sad or angry. The only time I'm ever happy is when I'm blog-stalking or when I talk to my internet bffls.
Maybe it's just that winter break has me stir-crazy and I want to see my friends.
Or maybe this is really happening. Even before break, the only things that made me happy were things I did outside of my home or inside my room. Anywhere other than those, I just die. As long as I'm anywhere but where I am is fine. Doing well in school, talking to people who were cool, and reading were my only escapes before. Now it seems like I'm locked in a box with no where to go but around the box day in and day out.
I feel like I'm in the middle of two extremes- 1. The kids I go to school with, who are rich kids. They think that because they didn't get what they wanted means it's the end of the world. Then, there are 2. The kids I met on the internet. They have real problems (none of which I will name here.) and they don't whine because they don't get what they wanted. I feel in between a lot of the time.
Maybe it's just that winter break has me stir-crazy and I want to see my friends.
Or maybe this is really happening. Even before break, the only things that made me happy were things I did outside of my home or inside my room. Anywhere other than those, I just die. As long as I'm anywhere but where I am is fine. Doing well in school, talking to people who were cool, and reading were my only escapes before. Now it seems like I'm locked in a box with no where to go but around the box day in and day out.
I feel like I'm in the middle of two extremes- 1. The kids I go to school with, who are rich kids. They think that because they didn't get what they wanted means it's the end of the world. Then, there are 2. The kids I met on the internet. They have real problems (none of which I will name here.) and they don't whine because they don't get what they wanted. I feel in between a lot of the time.
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