Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Few Things

So I'm gonna go on a kinda long rant so you can skip over this journal entry.
(But really what the hell. I am turning in to such a poser.)

First of all, the people at Sprint are crackheads who don't know what the fuck is wrong with my phone- I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY PHONE, It clearly is NOT the battery, you guys just gave me a fucking new one. So why do I need another new battery? The same thing keeps happening! My first Rumor was better than this one. That one only turned itself off- this one doesn't fucking charge.

Second, my mother is really pissing me off with all her nagging. I honestly don't get it. I'm fucking stressed because of COURSE I go to the best/most aggravating/most stressful school in the entire fucking state when I could have gone to a good (albeit not as good) school. Not only that, but I swear to god she's the reason my sister was/is a fucking anorexic. All my mother cares about is looks and what people think of you/her/us. Also, I think I know how to take care of myself as a vegetarian. I don't need your "helpful hints" that involve eating eggplant or mushrooms at all.

Don't get me wrong, I understand she's concerned. But really? Really?

Third, I'm getting a D in Latin.

Fourth, my algebra teacher hates me

Fifth, facebook makes me feel unpopular.

Sixth, I want someone to like me. I feel so awkward.

Seventh, my dad claims I have to "manage my time better". Admittedly, this is probably true, but in all honesty, I don't give a fuck.

Eighth, Health class just got REALLY awkward. And I find it interesting that when the dude said "menstrual periods" all the guys started giggling.

Ninth, all the nerdy Asian guys from my school had me in an incredibly awkward conversation yesterday that involved male genitalia.

Tenth, I've come to realize I cannot sing.

Eleventh, my mother claims the "Gabe Saporta Slept Here" tee is inappropriate. That's the point.

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