Monday, February 23, 2009

Life is Life.

I'm sick. I got into the school I want to go to. The Oscars suck. The Oscars are the best thing that's happened to the world.
Why can my life not be normal?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anti-Valentine's Day

This is a rant, so all you in favor of Valentine's day better skedaddle.

Originally Valentine's Day was St. Valentine's Day, a Roman Catholic holiday celebrating ST. VALENTINE. In case you are not Catholic or Christian or whatever, St Valentine back in the days of ancient Rome was jailed for being a doctor. When a guard of the jail came to him to ask for his help in curing his daughter of her blindness, he helped her by telling him to apply a salve on the insides of her eyes for three days, then come with her to Valentine. So, the guard did that, came back, and met Valentine. He put a rose up in front of her eyes and said "Open your eyes," and she did and she could see again! WHOOT CHEER whatever. So that's one reason- It's a freaking Christian holiday.

The second reason I hate it so much is that the card companies and the flower companies and whatever used the holiday to make money. By dropping the St. and just calling it Valentine's Day, most people that were not educated Christian-ly have no idea how the holiday came about. It just seems like something you could buy at a drug store. The religious holiday has become a nondenominational holiday which has become the grand thing we call Valentine's day.

Thirdly, it makes the rest of us who are above the grade of 4 and single feel like shit. Remember when you were little and you bought those little valentines and gave them to all your classmates? Yeah, those days have been sadly gone. In the place at my school, flowergrams. Which, in turn, people buy to make money for the French Club, but that's another story. But still, the idea of only sending certain people flowers still kills me. It just makes me want to tear out my hair.

Anyway, it all boils down to this: I'm not religious, a Hallmark supporter, or in love.

Sorry about the rant.


My day was just made 10x worse.
first, it's Valentine's day, which is pretty obvious I hate with a burning passion.
Second, I was supposed to be with my grandmother today but instead she's going to go over to my great-aunt's house to spend the day with her.
third, my mom asked if I wanted to do anything today. Yeah, something with my friends. Oh wait, half them are dating someone, so no.

god. today's gonna suck more than usual.


Even Later:

Friday, February 13, 2009


What the hell?!
You never even told me that I wasn't supposed to.
You never told me that we were gonna do it when I got back from Morocco.

It's like you expect me to be so freaking psychic that I always know what you're talking about. Sure, I "wasn't paying attention" when YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING!!!

Then, you blame me for your mistake. WHAT THE HELL.



Happy Friday the 13th!

I do not plan to see the movie. So there.

Anyway, I have the day off school so I had to go to the doctor's. Scary enough? NO. Of course not. >.> So anyway, I had to have my Gardasil shot so I'll be one less which I'm happy about. But then I had to have a TB test. What is a TB test you may ask? It's a tuberculosis test. Tuberculosis=violently coughing up blood. Fun, I know. So they stuck a needle in my arm. NUUUUU. So gross.

Anyway, I've been working on History Fair, aka Hell on a board, as well as my music ensemble.

I hope I didn't bore you too much. But probably.

I'm gonna stop rambling now. Bai.

Friday, February 6, 2009

So, obviously

I haven't posted in forever. Assembly, then graduation pictures, then parties, and dress shopping. I'm going to another party tomorrow, but I also have to take the ACT tomorrow. For all you creepers in different countries, the ACT helps decide what college American high schoolers go to. Then there's the SAT which is a different and harder test, so I took the easier one first.

Anyway, I've got all this stuff to do and no time for blogging, so yeah. :] I'll update when I get the chance. If you want to be even more of a creeper and talk to me personally, do so at . :] Have fun kids!