Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So my friend wrote this

"Well today was a day we will never again experience, a day of triumph, and a day of fear, a day of love, but also a day of losing loved ones, the day started out as any other, except everyone looked purple. We all told ourselves in our head "damn it's so hot on this stage" but we used every bit of strength we had to finish it on a high note, then we got outside and rejoiced as we achieved the dreaded 8th grade. We hugged, took pictures, some threw hats in the air, and some of us were deciding to cry or not, that moment didn't feel like the end, so we didn't. Then we had to wait those 6 dreaded hours that felt like an eternity. we dressed up, got classy but casual. Then we got to the party, At the beginning, We all mingled for a bit while we waited on others. Once we got there, we jumped in to the photo booth that opened up. We did this to create pictures that we can use to always preserve our memories. After that we got to the dancing, some danced with a fiery passion of the whole thing, while others weren't used to the idea so felt self-cautious.( I myself only danced for the last 5 songs)After that it hit us, we were leaving these people who we have been with for a majority of our lives, we laughed, we cried, we loved. we also rejoiced this moment in the way we know best, Singing, because if there's 2 songs we know by now, it's Seasons Of Love and M-I-S-H-A. Some cried,even the strongest people I have ever meant were sobbing, some held together but were crying inside, that or the shock didn't hit us yet. We hugged the people who cried, they needed it, this was an emotional chapter in our lives and we let it go by too fast. I will never forget this day and neither should anyone from the esteemed class of 200(fine) should either. I Will Miss You. I LOVE YOU ALL!"

It was one of the most beautiful descriptions I've ever read. It was a description of my graduation from the 8th grade. <3 I'm probably gonna miss this kid more than all the other kids at my school.

All in all, I just wanted to share this.