Sunday, August 9, 2009

Today was my cousin's reception-thing. She got married last November in Japan, and since all of her relatives are too poor to go the wedding in Japan, she had her "wedding reception" here in Chicago~ So all the crazy Japanese relatives (who I guess are my relatives now) were here. bahahaha I love them.

ANYWAY, the point of this post was to tell you the creepy things that happened to me today and yesterday!

Yesterday, I was working for my aunt for this party she was having. So a bunch of my relatives and Japanese relatives and her blood relatives (she's my aunt by law.) So all her family from Missouri and Texas were here and so we were meeting them and whatever. As we were inside giving ourselves minor panic attacks because of my crazy aunt, all her cute nephews walked in (and they're so tall too! like, ZOMFG.) And so after we were done and I was waiting for the parental unit to give me a lift home, I was reading and listening to 21CBD (<33) and one of the cute Texas relatives walks in! i r pleased. So we chatted for a bit~ He asked me what book I was reading and I told him and he was asked me what I was listening to and told him. and had a fangirl right there. you know you love me.

SO THEN TODAY, when I was at the wedding, one of the other cousins was like, checkin' me out the whole time! Prolly because I didn't look like a bum like yesterday. XD



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