Friday, December 26, 2008

My Hatred of Makeup

First and foremost, let me remind you I am A TEENAGE GIRL.

My hatred of makeup has been longlasting. I haven't really liked the whole idea. Making yourself look prettier so people don't see who you really are? That's just like putting on a mask, and not many people like those because you die if you don't use them right. Like a facade.

I feel it just hides who you really are.
Even though it just hides what you look like.

If you wear makeup in a rad or fashionable way, that's one thing.
If you wear it like a face? No. Not cool. So predictable.

It's like you put on a face (haha, like the pun? Nevermind.) every day that hides you from the world. It's girls wearing makeup that bothers me the most though. It just seems like they "pretty" themselves up just to make (a) boys like them and (b) other girls hate them.

I don't give a crap if guys wear makeup, I think it's totally rad. People that say that guys wearing makeup is either gay or emo. I think power to you guys! Who cares if they're gay or if they're "emo" (I don't consider emo a label, its a type of music.)? It's their own choice. You can blather on about it all you want, most of the time it's not going to change their minds.

I guess that's all I have to say. Comment! Say what you think. It's all about constructive criticism. :] It makes me happy.

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